天開文運,萬象太和,白陽初祖金公祖師姓路,名中一,聖號通理子,山東濟寧人氏,生於清道光廿九年四月廿四日,乃彌勒古佛化身,降生時天象萬道祥光,彩雲紛飄,是有聖人降世之徵兆。公幼喪父母,少時孤苦,兄妹二人相依,年至廿二歲,光緒年間,往直隸小站投軍,後受 老母托夢指引往山東青州清虛祖師處求道,遂辭去職務,投拜劉祖門下,跟隨劉祖修道。每日打柴作飯,苦修多年,時至天命之年,劉祖年邁,於是懇求上天 老母指示何人承續道盤,經 老母慈悲批訓後,路祖於清光緒三十一年三月十五日春季大典,奉天命接掌白陽天盤,於山東濟寧闡揚一貫天道,辦理三曹普渡大事,迄至民國十四年二月初二日歸天,享年七十六,一生清修、鶴髮童顏,歸天後翌年三月三日時節,祖師聖靈借由山西楊春齡竅顯化百日,口吐金公妙典、口說彌勒真經傳世,以儆醒迷頑、訓勉同修。
The Seventeenth Patriarch LuJing-Gong Patriarch The first patriarch of the White Sun era, Patriarch Lu, first name Zhong-Yi, was born on April 24,1849, in Jining, Shantong Province of China. In his childhood, Patriarch Lu lost his parents and lived in poverty. He joined the army at the age of 22, miraculously inspired by the Buddhas to receive Tao from the sixteenth Patriarch Liu. He donated all his savings sincerely, and followed the sixteenth Patriarch Liu to cultivate the great Tao and experienced hardships and toils with sincerity. In this way, he accumulated infinite merits.
As Patriarch Liu was nearing the end of his mortal life, he begged for instructions from the Almighty God asking who could continue the heritage of Tao. In 1905, Lao Mu (the Almighty) ordained Patriarch Lu as the seventeenth patriarch, or the first patriarch of the White Sun era. With the Heavenly Decree from the Almighty, Patriarch Lu propagated Tao in Jining, Shantong Province of China. This started the Last Salvation Mission.
Patriarch Lu passed away with white hair and a reddish baby-like face at the age of 76 on February 2, 1925. On March 3 of the following year, the Holy Spirit of Patriarch Lu worked a great miracle by borrowing the physical body of a person named Yang Chuen-Ling. This miraculous act lasted for one hundred days, during which he chanted the Jing-Gong Subtle Scripture and the True Sutra of Maitreya Buddha. Both are now widely spread in the world.
As Patriarch Liu was nearing the end of his mortal life, he begged for instructions from the Almighty God asking who could continue the heritage of Tao. In 1905, Lao Mu (the Almighty) ordained Patriarch Lu as the seventeenth patriarch, or the first patriarch of the White Sun era. With the Heavenly Decree from the Almighty, Patriarch Lu propagated Tao in Jining, Shantong Province of China. This started the Last Salvation Mission.
Patriarch Lu passed away with white hair and a reddish baby-like face at the age of 76 on February 2, 1925. On March 3 of the following year, the Holy Spirit of Patriarch Lu worked a great miracle by borrowing the physical body of a person named Yang Chuen-Ling. This miraculous act lasted for one hundred days, during which he chanted the Jing-Gong Subtle Scripture and the True Sutra of Maitreya Buddha. Both are now widely spread in the world.