老前人姓韓,諱上恩下榮,字上杰下卿,號雨霖,又號潔清,晚年自號白水老人,河北寧河人,生於光緒廿七年﹝一九O一﹞,歲次辛丑三月廿二日。民國八十四年﹝一九九五﹞歲次乙亥正月廿六日子時,一代宗師,成道歸天,享壽九十有五。老前人宏愿,無始無終,追隨老祖師、師尊、師母建立人間淨土,欲化娑婆世界為彌勒家園。 因此成道後仍以「白水老人」佛號示現人間。
老前人帶了多位前人來台灣開荒辦道,經過五十年的光景,道務非常弘展,因為老前人年高德助很受各組線道親尊崇景仰,大家尊稱為「道長」,民國八十二﹝一九九三﹞年五月榮獲執政黨李主席核頒華夏一等獎章,表彰道親成為安定社會的一股重要力量,也是弘揚民族文化的中流砥柱,值得全體道親感到榮耀與喜悅。 近年來,老前人領導下好幾位前人先後成道,受天恩慈封為大帝、真君、菩薩、仙長、大仙等等,果位高超,可印證「道真、理真、天命真」絲毫不假,吾們大家蒙沾恩澤,應認理實修,培養大智、大仁、大勇的修辦精神,共同緊追師尊師母的天命,護持老前人開創之道場,承繼老前人救世之偉愿,弘揚大道於萬國九州。
老前人帶了多位前人來台灣開荒辦道,經過五十年的光景,道務非常弘展,因為老前人年高德助很受各組線道親尊崇景仰,大家尊稱為「道長」,民國八十二﹝一九九三﹞年五月榮獲執政黨李主席核頒華夏一等獎章,表彰道親成為安定社會的一股重要力量,也是弘揚民族文化的中流砥柱,值得全體道親感到榮耀與喜悅。 近年來,老前人領導下好幾位前人先後成道,受天恩慈封為大帝、真君、菩薩、仙長、大仙等等,果位高超,可印證「道真、理真、天命真」絲毫不假,吾們大家蒙沾恩澤,應認理實修,培養大智、大仁、大勇的修辦精神,共同緊追師尊師母的天命,護持老前人開創之道場,承繼老前人救世之偉愿,弘揚大道於萬國九州。
Han Lao Qian Ren (Grand Senior Elder), given name En-Rong also known as Yu-Lin, called himself "Bai-Shui-Lao-Ren ". He was born in 1901 in Ninghe, Hebei Province of China. Since childhood, Han Lao Qian Ren had received family classic teachings with etiquette and filial piety. He was erudite well-versed in literary works and martial arts.
Han Lao Qian Ren started his career with Da-De-Long dyeing and textile mill. The business became more and more prosperous under his diligent management. However, for his constant overwork, he was ill with incurable tuberculosis at the age of 37. Then he received Tao and was greatly blessed with the mercy of Ji-Gong Buddha, who snatched his life from the jaws of death. From then on, Han Lao Qian Ren was determined to propagate Tao wholeheartedly. He made vows to preach the gospel of the Almighty God, and to bring salvation to the world. So when he had his family and business settled, Han Lao Qian Ren followed the Eighteenth Patriarchs, Shi-Zun and Shi-Mu, by assisting them with the holy enterprise of propagating Tao. In 1948, Han Lao Qian Ren was ordained by Shi-Mu to lead several senior elders to start the pioneering mission in Taiwan, where he settled on Sanming Road in Taichung. The initial years were full of hardships and sufferings, especially those from the government and the public. But he was very persevering to resolve misunderstandings. He showed virtuous modesty to stabilize Tao affairs under difficult circumstances. His sincerity touched all the people around him. Not until twenty years later, when Han Lao Qian Ren moved to Weidao Road, did he manage to break through the impasse; Tao propagation started to prevail throughout the island. Years later, Han Lao Qian Ren prepared to build a memorial hall for the Patriarchs and Kuang-Ming Cultural Library at the Fu-Shan Garden. Meanwhile, Tao started to spread to other countries. By the year of 1980, Han Lao Qian Ren had been ordained with Heavenly Decree. He established Kuang-Ming Nursing Home to care for the destitute aged in Puli, Nantou County. He also built the grand and majestic Tian-Yuan Buddha Temple, which has become a memorial for Han Lao Qian Ren 's propagation of Tao in Taiwan as well as a scenic beauty for numerous Tao members from all over the world to trace the root.
Han Lao Qian Ren had practiced Tao diligently for more than fifty years. He fulfilled his lifelong commitment to arouse the universal truth and the value of life. He devoted himself to glorify the essence of Confucianism. Having constantly admonished the restoration of ethics, Han Lao Qian Ren helped eradicate evils and maintained social stability. For his eminent contribution to the society, he was awarded by the government the glory of Chinese Top Honor Medal.
Han Lao Qian Ren at the age of 95 answered the merciful call from the Almighty and return to heaven. Throughout his life he endured sufferings and hardships without complaint; he enlightened people without weariness, and he adhered to his great vows without cease. His influence is widespread and far-reaching. His departure left countless Tao cultivators crying with the reminiscence of deep reverence and great gratitude.
Han Lao Qian Ren (Grand Senior Elder), given name En-Rong also known as Yu-Lin, called himself "Bai-Shui-Lao-Ren ". He was born in 1901 in Ninghe, Hebei Province of China. Since childhood, Han Lao Qian Ren had received family classic teachings with etiquette and filial piety. He was erudite well-versed in literary works and martial arts.
Han Lao Qian Ren started his career with Da-De-Long dyeing and textile mill. The business became more and more prosperous under his diligent management. However, for his constant overwork, he was ill with incurable tuberculosis at the age of 37. Then he received Tao and was greatly blessed with the mercy of Ji-Gong Buddha, who snatched his life from the jaws of death. From then on, Han Lao Qian Ren was determined to propagate Tao wholeheartedly. He made vows to preach the gospel of the Almighty God, and to bring salvation to the world. So when he had his family and business settled, Han Lao Qian Ren followed the Eighteenth Patriarchs, Shi-Zun and Shi-Mu, by assisting them with the holy enterprise of propagating Tao. In 1948, Han Lao Qian Ren was ordained by Shi-Mu to lead several senior elders to start the pioneering mission in Taiwan, where he settled on Sanming Road in Taichung. The initial years were full of hardships and sufferings, especially those from the government and the public. But he was very persevering to resolve misunderstandings. He showed virtuous modesty to stabilize Tao affairs under difficult circumstances. His sincerity touched all the people around him. Not until twenty years later, when Han Lao Qian Ren moved to Weidao Road, did he manage to break through the impasse; Tao propagation started to prevail throughout the island. Years later, Han Lao Qian Ren prepared to build a memorial hall for the Patriarchs and Kuang-Ming Cultural Library at the Fu-Shan Garden. Meanwhile, Tao started to spread to other countries. By the year of 1980, Han Lao Qian Ren had been ordained with Heavenly Decree. He established Kuang-Ming Nursing Home to care for the destitute aged in Puli, Nantou County. He also built the grand and majestic Tian-Yuan Buddha Temple, which has become a memorial for Han Lao Qian Ren 's propagation of Tao in Taiwan as well as a scenic beauty for numerous Tao members from all over the world to trace the root.
Han Lao Qian Ren had practiced Tao diligently for more than fifty years. He fulfilled his lifelong commitment to arouse the universal truth and the value of life. He devoted himself to glorify the essence of Confucianism. Having constantly admonished the restoration of ethics, Han Lao Qian Ren helped eradicate evils and maintained social stability. For his eminent contribution to the society, he was awarded by the government the glory of Chinese Top Honor Medal.
Han Lao Qian Ren at the age of 95 answered the merciful call from the Almighty and return to heaven. Throughout his life he endured sufferings and hardships without complaint; he enlightened people without weariness, and he adhered to his great vows without cease. His influence is widespread and far-reaching. His departure left countless Tao cultivators crying with the reminiscence of deep reverence and great gratitude.