師尊姓張,諱上奎下生,字上光下璧,道號天然,山東濟寧人,生於清光緒十五年七月十九日。誕生之際,天壇失火,紅光滿天,黃河澄澈,天地垂象,聖人降世之徵。師尊生有異稟,平頂方頭二目重瞳,天縱睿智,秉性淳厚。民國四年遇褚老師得道,聞道不捨,篤信修辦 ,民國九年褚老師歸天,蒙路祖器重,隨侍左右,親炙德輝,道業精進。
民國十四年路祖殯天,十九年維皇降訓,令師尊師母同領天命,接續道統,普渡三曹,師尊師母承命戰兢自持,忍辱負重,道務日興,民國三十四年已遍佈全中國,次年由四川道親迎至成都闡道,三十六年八月十五日一代明師溘然殯天,春秋五十有九,維皇賜封 『天然古佛』。
師尊雖位證至極 ,然眷顧蒼生,誓愿無盡,靈昭感應,大同可期,眾生無不蒙恩。
民國十四年路祖殯天,十九年維皇降訓,令師尊師母同領天命,接續道統,普渡三曹,師尊師母承命戰兢自持,忍辱負重,道務日興,民國三十四年已遍佈全中國,次年由四川道親迎至成都闡道,三十六年八月十五日一代明師溘然殯天,春秋五十有九,維皇賜封 『天然古佛』。
師尊雖位證至極 ,然眷顧蒼生,誓愿無盡,靈昭感應,大同可期,眾生無不蒙恩。
Tian-Ran Buddha
Our Shi-Zun, last name Zhang, first name Kui-Sheng, also known as Kuang-Bi and Tian-Ran in the Tao Temple, was born on July 9, 1889 in Jining, Shantong Province of China. When he was born, miraculous signs occurred; the Heavenly Altar in Beijing was on fire, which lightened up the sky with red radiances, and the always-muddy Yellow River became clear. These are evidences resembling the birth of the Son of Man.
Shi-Zun was born with special physical characteristics, among which are dual pupils in each eye. Humble and honest, he was born with heavenly sagacity as well. In 1915, Shi-Zun met Mr. Zhu and received Tao. After he comprehended Tao, he developed strong faith and vowed to cultivate and propagate Tao. After Mr. Zhu returned to Heaven in1920, Patriarch Lu valued our Shi-Zun highly and allowed him to serve around Patriarch Lu. It enabled Shi-Zun to learn from Patriarch Lu's infinite merits and nurtured by his boundless virtues until Patriarch Lu returned to Heaven in 1925. In 1930, the Almighty God ordained Shi-Zun and Shi-Mu to inherit the Heavenly Decree; the heritage of Tao thus continued. Since then, Shi-Zun and Shi-Mu had shouldered the holy responsibility to architect the utopia of Maitreya. After countless trials and tribulations, Tao was spread all over China by 1945. In 1946, Shi-Zun was invited to Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. On August15 of the following year, Shi-Zun returned back to Heaven at the age of 59. The Almighty God then bestowed him as a Buddha named Tian-Ran . Although our Shi-Zun was crowned with this supreme title, his grandiose vow is infinite. Countless sentient beings have been and will be moved by his vow. Everyone will benefit with the fulfillment of his vow to build the utopia of Maitreya.
Our Shi-Zun, last name Zhang, first name Kui-Sheng, also known as Kuang-Bi and Tian-Ran in the Tao Temple, was born on July 9, 1889 in Jining, Shantong Province of China. When he was born, miraculous signs occurred; the Heavenly Altar in Beijing was on fire, which lightened up the sky with red radiances, and the always-muddy Yellow River became clear. These are evidences resembling the birth of the Son of Man.
Shi-Zun was born with special physical characteristics, among which are dual pupils in each eye. Humble and honest, he was born with heavenly sagacity as well. In 1915, Shi-Zun met Mr. Zhu and received Tao. After he comprehended Tao, he developed strong faith and vowed to cultivate and propagate Tao. After Mr. Zhu returned to Heaven in1920, Patriarch Lu valued our Shi-Zun highly and allowed him to serve around Patriarch Lu. It enabled Shi-Zun to learn from Patriarch Lu's infinite merits and nurtured by his boundless virtues until Patriarch Lu returned to Heaven in 1925. In 1930, the Almighty God ordained Shi-Zun and Shi-Mu to inherit the Heavenly Decree; the heritage of Tao thus continued. Since then, Shi-Zun and Shi-Mu had shouldered the holy responsibility to architect the utopia of Maitreya. After countless trials and tribulations, Tao was spread all over China by 1945. In 1946, Shi-Zun was invited to Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. On August15 of the following year, Shi-Zun returned back to Heaven at the age of 59. The Almighty God then bestowed him as a Buddha named Tian-Ran . Although our Shi-Zun was crowned with this supreme title, his grandiose vow is infinite. Countless sentient beings have been and will be moved by his vow. Everyone will benefit with the fulfillment of his vow to build the utopia of Maitreya.